Sunday, April 5, 2009

Back After A Break With Some Good News

While I had promised to never take off such a stretch of time again, these last few weeks haven't been the easiest for me. And though I'd love to dig into the details with my fellow Fat Guy Coalition brethren, I think it's best we get back to work.

Once I had realized it had been a week and a half since I had last posted (which has now turned into three weeks), I felt I had to come back with something special. I've spent the past few days mulling over the possible ideas and figured out a plan.

I'm going to begin a grassroots campaign for Coco's Restaurant.

Now, I understand this isn't anything Earth shattering, but I feel like all FGC needs to know about Coco's. 

In an earlier (and one of my favorite) posts, I recalled the tale of the San Jose Denny's Crew. So, you know I have a soft spot for the Big D. However, after eating underneath that beautiful buzzing purple light, it'll be a cold day in hell when I choose a Denny's over my new love.

It's a basic story to tell: Same prices. Much, much better food.

I can't even explain in full detail how wonderful this place is except to say I never once felt sick — a common Denny's occurrence. You get real potatoes with your breakfast, and can have this delicious two mini burgers with a Caesar salad meal. 

For something that cheap, you expect it to taste, well, tasteless. If that makes sense. But that isn't the case at Coco's. 

I could go on, but I think the point has been made. However, I would have to give up my seat at the head of the table at the Fat Guy Report if I didn't mention the three greatest words ever conjured up in the English language ... 


That's right. I had to go all caps on that one. You really can't hold that against me because, as you all know by now ...

I (heart) pie.

1 comment:

  1. Yes,Yes I am not a big man, but I loves me some food!!!Denny's is alway's ok. Since I was a boy Coco's has been a mainstay of my family. Mom's a big woman and so is the step dad!!! Whenever we would journey down to so-cal or anywhere outside of Alameda, Coco's was the resturant for us. I think it's because my family can enjoy breakfast any time of the day. BACON... Mark you da man----Jride
